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NFL 2023 Week 1

Crazy Bob and The Blake make their pics for week 1.

You can pick against them by emailing your pics to

Put “NFL WEEK 1” in the subject line.

You could win fabulous (or not so fabulous) prizes!

Pick two games and one upset. (must be against the spread)



More Episodes

This week, music from Gifthorse, HalfHeardVoices, New song from A Beautiful Extinction, Tubefreaks, 12 Sins, Tumbling Run Band and…
This Week music from:  Misfortune Fades, Plow, The New Mutiny, Axecident, Defending Cain, Friday Night Flicks and Lost Caverns!…
This week music from: Gifthorse, The New Mutiny, Monolith, The Stories We Tell, Night’s Edge, Defending Cain, HeHimself.  Shout…
Music from: The Milgram Protocal 2 Screws Loose Dinosaurs In Paris Axecident Amanita The New Mutiny Misfortune Fades…