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Worst Job


Today’s Question of the Day:

Partly inspired by yesterday’s question. A Bob suggested this, and it really grabbed me. For five years I worked in a call center. It was, without a doubt, the worst job I’ve ever had, and I’ve worked in dollar stores, I’ve run construction equipment, I’ve painted beams, helped re-shingle roofs, I’ve loaded and unloaded delivery trucks full of doors and windows (ever picked up a sliding glass patio in its frame? They weigh around 400 pounds. Fun!), I’ve jackhammered concrete building foundations, I’ve walked on top of narrow cinderblock walls as a surveyor. I would do any of those jobs again before I ever went back to a call center. It was unquestionable the most soul-sucking experience I’ve ever gotten paid for. So, I reasoned, someone else out there, maybe many of you, have similar stories to tell.

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