Open Modal

Four Eye Blues


So I’ve mentioned before that I’ve worn glasses since I was 5. I hate it. I mean, I appreciate being able to see, but having these things sitting on my face really is annoying. Some time in the last couple of months the glasses I had been at that time been wearing for about seven years fell off my face; the bows had become loose over time. They landed, of course on the lenses on the concrete ground, which put a nice scratch on the left lens, right in my eyeline.

I put up with this for a while. Finally I broke down and scheduled an appointment for an eye exam. But by the time came for the appointment, some emergency came up and I no longer had the funds handy to pay for it. So I canceled it. And I wondered what to do.

Weeks passed and I wore the scratched glasses, getting increasingly annoyed each time I was reminded of the scratch. Finally I had the dough to pay for an exam. But by then I couldn’t get another appointment. They were booked up through July!

So I wondered what to do. I did have another pair, but they were broken. In desperation I took the broken glasses (with good lenses) to the eyeglass place. There I was informed that the frames couldn’t be repaired because the damage was on the hinge. But I was told that if, by chance, they had another set of the same frames in stock I could buy those and they’d just transfer the lenses. However that particular model had been discontinued, so they doubted they had any left.

It turned out that they did in fact have one pair left. The lenses were transferred, and I was presented with the new frames to try on. They fit, I could see, problem solved. Of course, the price of the fames alone was greater than the eye exam would have cost, and the exam came with two sets of frames. But it was either buy the frames or look through a scratched lens for four months, and I wasn’t going to do that.

So now I have what amounts to a brand new pair of glasses, which is nice I suppose, but I still resent that my stupid astigmatism makes them necessary. The new frames are a lot more snug than the old ones, though, so at least I don’t have to worry about them falling off.

If you have good eyesight, treasure it brah!!

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