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Hip or Critical?


You ever be like, “Man I’m tired of hearing everyone complaining all the time?!” and then realize that you’re just complaining too? Isn’t that a bummer? I do that all the time, which you know, since if you’re reading this you probably listen to Just a Morning Show at least some of the time. But the way I see it is, if you’re complaining to me, such as part of the question of the day, then you’re not complaining to your friends, relatives, and co-workers and driving them crazy. Plus it’s entertaining when it’s someone else (usually). I don’t know why but it seems like people think being this stoic, unflappable person is some kind of ideal. And I’m not knocking stoic, unflappable people, but let’s get real. Most of us are not that. Things get on your nerves or whatever, and that’s totally normal. It all comes down to what you do about it. So I figure if I give you a place to vent then you’re doing it in a way where nobody gets hurt, kind of like what those bomb squad robots do with explosives. You know what I’m talking about? Those robots that take the bombs put them inside their bodies and blow themselves up so nobody gets hurt. What a noble thing to do! Of course I realize these are brainless automatons guided by remote control, but still, they’re taking the blast so no innocent people die. That seemed like a big epic thing in my brain but now that I’m writing it all down it seems kind of dumb. Still, people who complain about people who complain rarely stop to consider the fact that people need an outlet for that stuff. You can’t just carry it around with you until you explode. You’ve got to get it all out. Shout, shout, you know what I’m saying?

I think you do. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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